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Verein für sozialpädagogisches Management e.V.


Non-profit association for socio-paedagogical management inc.

Hüttengesäßerstraße 2
63546 Hammersbach
Phone: +49 (0)6185/8993771
Fax: +49 (0)6185/8993774
E-mail: V-spm (at) t-online.de


Represent by: Jochen Mahnke
Register entry: Registered in the association register
Register court: District court of Hanau
Register number: VR 32002



Disclaimer – legal information

§1Warning notice about contents

The free and freely accessible content of this webpage were provided with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the supplier of this web page does not guarantee for the correctness and actuality of the provided free and freely accessible journalistic advisors and news. In particular marked contributions reflect the opinion of the respective author and not necessarily the opinion of the supplier. By visiting the free and freely accessible contents no contractual relationship is established between the user and the supplier. Therefore, there is no intention to create legal relations of the supplier.

§2 External links

This website contains links to websites of third parties ("external links"). These websites are defeated by the liabilits of the respective operators. As a result the supplier has checked by the first time linking of the external links the foreign contents whether any legal offence exists. At the time no legal offence was evident. The supplier has no influence on the topical and future creation and on the contents of the tied up sides. The putting of external links does not mean that the supplier makes himself too won behind the reference or link recumbent contents. A constant control of the external links is not reasonable for the supplier without concrete tips to legal offence. Nevertheless with knowledge of legal offence such external links are immediately extinguished


§3 Copyright and publication rights

The contents published on this website are defeated by the Germany originator and achievement protection right. Each of the German originator and achievement protection right admitted utilisation does not need the previous written approval of the supplier or respective legal owner. This is valid in particular for duplication, treatment, translation, line-to-store transfer, processing or reproduction of contents in data banks or other electronic media and systems. Contents and right third are present as those marked.
The unauthorised duplication or passing on of single contents or complete sides is not permitted and punishable. Merely the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and not commercial use is permitted. The representation of this website in foreign Frames is allowed only with written permission.



§4 Special terms of service
So far special conditions on single uses of this website from the precalled sections, it is pointed out at suitable place expressly to it. In this case are valid in the respective isolated case the special terms of utilisation.
Source: Imprint generator developed by Agirman lawyers, Hannover.



Data protection explanation


For an updated version of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) please visit https://www.vspm.info/deutsch/impressum-datenschutz/

Data protection

In the following we would like to inform you about our data protection explanation. Here you find information about the elevation and use of personal data with the use of our webpage. Besides, we follow the data protection laws applying for Germany. You can call always this explanation any time on our webpage.
We expressly point out the fact that the data transfer can show security gaps on the Internet (e.g. with the communication by e-mail) and be protected not consistently against the access by third.
The use of the contact data of our imprint to the commercial advertisement is no expressly welcome, unless we had given before our written approval or there is already a business connection. Here with the supplier and all people called on this website contradict every commercial use and passing on of her data.


Personal data

You can visit our webpage without information of personal data. As far as on our sides personal data (as name, address, or e-mail address) are raised this occurs, so far possibly, on voluntary base. These data are not transmitted without your explicit approval into three parts. Provided that between you and us a contractual relationship founds, concerning the contents should be decorated or is changed or you put an inquiry to us, we raise personal data of you and use, as far as this is necessary for these purposes (Continuance data) - We raise, personal date process and use so dar this is necessary to allow to you the claim of the web offer (data of utilisation). All personal data are stored only as long as like this necessary fir the called purpose (treatment of your inquiry or winding up of a contract). On this occasion, periods for safe keeping according to law and relating to commercial law are considered. On arrangement of the responsible departments we may give in particular cases information about these date (continuance data), as far as this is necessary for the purposes of the criminal proceedings, to the danger defence, to the fulfilment of the legal duties of the protection of the consitution authorities or the military shielding service or for the penetration of the rights in the intellectual property.

Comment functions

Within the scope of the comment function we raise personal data (e.g. name, e-mail) within the scope of your commenting to a contribution only in the extent like you have informed of him us. By the publication of a comment the email address given by you is stored, but is not published. Their name is published if you have not written under pseudonym.


Data protection explanation of the Facebook- Plugin ("Likes")


This web page uses Plugins of the supplier Facebook.com which are provided by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

Here with users of our web page on which the Facebook-Plugin ("Like" badge) is installed are pointed out to the fact that a connection with Facebook is built up by the Plugin by which a transmission is carried out to your browser so that the Plugin on the web page appears.

Besides data are passed on by the use to the Facebook servers which inform about your web page visits on our homepage contains. This entails forlogged in Facebook users that the data of utilisation are assigned to your personal Facebook account.
As soon as you use actively the Facebook- Plugin (e.g. by the click on the "Like" button or the use of the comment function ) as a logged in Facebook user, these data are transferred to your Facebook account and are published. This can handle you only by previous logging off from your Facebook account.
You take further information with regard to the data use by Facebook please from the data protection juridical regulations on Facebook under http:// de-de.facebook.com/policy.php.

Data protection explanation of the use of the web message service twitter.com


We have integrated on our web page also the web message service twitter.com
This is provided by the Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Saint, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. Twitter offers the so-called "Tweet"-function. With it one can publish 140 signs long news also with web page lins in his own Twitter account. If you use the "Tweet" function of Twitter on our webpages, the respective web page with your account on Twitter is tied together and announced there if necessary publicly. On this occasion, data will also transfer in Twitter.

We receive no knowledge from the contents of the transmitted data and their use by Twitter. Consult, hence, for further information the data protection explanation of Twitter: http://twitter.com/privacy
Twitter offers you under the following link the possibility to fix your data protection settings independently: http://twitter.com/account/settings.

Right to information

You have the anytime right to enquire free of charge and immediately about the date upraised to your person. You have anytime right to revoke your approval with the sue of your given personal date with effect for the future. To the information granting you turn please to the supplier under the contact data in the imprint.





New General Data Protection Regulation, please visit  https://www.vspm.info/deutsch/impressum-datenschutz/



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