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Our partner sites for you!


Facebook page of the VSPM e.V.


Consulting and Therapy VSPM e.V.


Office of ombudsmen for children rights in Hessen


European Social Fund Hessen


Advanced Training and Education for Hessen


Professional Schools of the Main-Kinzig region in Gelnhausen


iba - international career academy


Protestant church of German language in Thessaloniki


Violet Syria - Humanitarian Aid and Relief


Günter-Voßebrecker-Foundation – Help for children in emergency situations


YouTube channel of the VSPM e.V.


Instagram Account of the VSPM e.V.


Campaign "Germany Helps"


Community Foundation Hanau City and Region


Fahrzeugmanufaktur L. Mankiewicz - High quality care for your car


AQUA CURA - Smart solutions for drinking water


CRETEC - Creating Technologies




German-Haitian cultural association and relief organisation




NETZWERK Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge


Christine Burkert - Praxis für Körperpsychotherapie


Baugesellschaft Hanau GmbH




We feel very close to the initiatives and projects in Hammersbach, our association’s location:

Hammersbach RUNS!

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