Assisted Living


Learning self-responsibility



The VSPM e.V. opened a new office in Hanau on January 1, 2017.
The focus is assisted living for adolescents, age 16+, who are not able to live at their former home and like to manage their own self-responsible life.


We help them to

  • find a perspective regarding education and job training
  • run their own household
  • be responsible with financial matters
  • visit government agencies
  • manage an independent life


Our team in Hanau consists of three social pedagogues with many years of experience in assisted living of teenagers and young adults..



„We love our work and looking forward to meeting all adolescents who approach us and who we can support on their individual way to lead an independent life.“


The guiding principle of our work:


„I can tell you how you should do it,
and you'll forget about it.
I can show it to you,
and you'll imitate me.
But only if you do it by yourself,
you'll truly understand."

Chinese Proverb




Ruth Pflügler

Nordstr. 54

63450 Hanau


Phone: +49 (0)6181/6184790
Mobile: +49 (0)151/51261351








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