Our Efforts


Your Management for Life


Since 2013 the VSPM e.V. (non-profit association for socio-paedagogical management inc.) campaigns for disadvantaged children and teenagers. In the focus are underage children whose parents cannot guarantee their well-being. We want to give those children and teenagers - with your support - a normal family structure and improve their social condition. To achieve these goals, we set the following priorities:


  • Support of students in schools
  • Offering a meeting place for people living in the Main-Kinzig region
  • Providing home and care for children and teenagers in need
  • Language courses for refugee children
  • International Direct Children Care in Greece, Syria, and Libanon
  • Consulting and therapy to manage personal crises and conflicts


The VSPM e.V. pursues the goal to strengthen and support young personalities through pedagogic-psychological care and guidance. We can achieve this through professional work and exchange: we multiplex competences, set up potential and coordinate them. Thereby it is possible to solve individual problems and create positive life conditions.




Organigram (November 2017)


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